Courses / Modules

Safeguarding Children

Our trainer pack for safeguarding children ensures that their needs are fulfilled, and no child is neglected from the care and treatment. The mistreatment of children including the physical, mental and sexual abuse is taken in notice and actions are taken through proper channels. Healthcare workers are trained to identify any kind of abuse  to children and safeguard their rights through proper local policies and procedures and report to concerned authorities.

Online social networking also has a huge impact on the menta health of children, and any cybercrime can be reported to concerned authorities. Moreover, any drug or substance abuse is also identified and then reported. Safeguarding the children and their welfare should be a priority for the hospitals and health care workers.

Our training course enables the health care workers to identify any kind of mistreatment towards the children or any illegal activities they may be involved in. They are trained to solve the problems with relevant experience and effective communication along with carefully analyzing the situation to aid them. In addition to that, they are also trained to train their juniors at health care working environment.

Our training is totally live, totally interactive, and totally fun.

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